Access to NHS dental services is a national concern. Certainly, over the past year, concerns around NHS dental services throughout Lincolnshire have been repeatedly raised through Healthwatch Lincolnshire.
Lack of availability of NHS practices taking new patients and struggles accessing NHS dental treatment during the pandemic are key concerns.
Healthwatch Lincolnshire heard from 236 people through its quick poll survey with 45% of people living in Lincolnshire having no NHS Dentist.
Over the past year, the Healthwatch Lincolnshire Information and Signposting team have repeatedly heard from members of the public unable to register with an NHS Practice although many of these same practices were willing to accept them as private patients.
Individuals sought help from a range of different services including the NHS111 helpline, some were left with no other choice but to pay for private treatment, whilst others remained in pain due to not being able to get treatment.
Find out more about our findings and read the full report here:
Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
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